Another precious Gift from God will be entering our family this spring. Sometime around the end of April beginning of May. We are VERY excited to go from a family of six to a family of seven. I thank God every day that he has chosen to bless us with another precious blessing. It's crazy to think we will have 5 FIVE! But it already just seems like a perfect number..just like four did when we added our 4th.
I'm a little over 12 weeks pregnant. As some of you may remember from my previous pregnancies I have a VERY rough time. I get super sick. Non-functional sick actually. Laying on the couch for 2 1/2 months sick. I throw up and faint numourous times a day. It's horrible. BUT thankfully I have been able to get some good meds this time that have ACTUALLY helped me. I'm taking zofran and it's a MIRACLE drug. I am fuctioning and not getting sick at all. I have been SUPER tired though and having very little energy but I can handle that. These past few days I have started to have a little more energy. I'm sure since I"m on the verge of being in the 2nd trimester has a lot to do with it.
The kids are so excited. I think Gracie is the MOST excited. She is OBSESSED with babies. SHe asks me every day if there is still a baby in my tummy. She pats my tummy and talks to the baby already. She can't wait to meet her little brother or sister that is going to make her "a big sissy". SHe keeps telling me that she won't be a baby sissy anymore..she's going to be a BIG sissy! It's SOOO cute! The other kids can't wait to find out if this baby will break our pattern of boy-girl-boy-girl. Most of them think it will be a girl and break the pattern...we shall see.
So there you have it! Our exciting news!