Friday, March 6, 2009

Oh be careful little eyes what you see...

It was SO funny. Today as we were driving home from Walmart the song "Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns was on the radio. Mya loves that song because at the end they have a little kid singing "oh be careful little eyes what you see". So when that was over, she wanted to sing the whole song. So we sang, "oh be careful little feet where you go, oh be careful little feet where you go, for the Father up above is looking down with love, Oh be careful little feet where you go". We went thru each verse, feet, hands, eyes, mouths etc. After each one I asked them what you thought it ment. When we went to discuss "oh be careful little eyes what you see" Mya said, "I know what that means...that means if you see someone robbing a bank to cover your eyes so you don't see them doing something bad!". I had to just laugh. So cute! The stuff kids think of!

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