Monday, July 7, 2008

Only 8 minutes left.....

Okay, so Mason is crying in his bed right now...i'm sorry, not crying, SCREAMING! I'm trying to block it out..but I just can't. I feel so bad. I suppose you are wondering why I'm not running in there to pick him up, right?!?! Well, I'm attempting to let him "cry it out". I'm doing all I can to keep my butt planted on this seat and not run in there to pick him up. I know he's SO tired. He keeps falling asleep in my arms. I mean it won't be 2 seconds and he'll be completely sound asleep. But the second I put him in his bed he wakes up. He needs to learn to sleep in his bed. He does sleep in there at night but only after about 10pm. Before that he sleeps in my arms. It just gets so hard to hold him and try to get the other 2 kids ready for bed and spend time reading to them and doing our bedtime routine. It's one thing if Mason was awake during all that but he is usually asleep. Okay, so now there is only 4 minutes left until I told myself I would go in there and comfort him then walk back out with hopes he will stay laying down and drift off into a peaceful sleep. I don't know if i can make it thru though another 15 minutes of this. I'm sure i'll see his little tear stained face and scoop him up into my arms and squeeze him tight and tell him I love him and that I'm SO sorry. Then he will wrap his little arms around me and nestle his face in my neck. And there we go...another night that I said I would let him "cry it out" and then just couldn't do it. Okay, time is up...time to go and rescue Mason from trying to go to sleep.


Anonymous said...

you can do it! crying it out is so hard, but YOU CAN DO IT! Just think that if you stay consistent, in a few days he will be sleeping a lot better and you can relax.

lori bunk said...

i LOVE his bald little head... isaac still has never had a haircut- can you believe that? we don't have the HAIR-gene, that's for sure! miss you...