Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Not doing so hot...again
Okay, so yesterday I went to the Dr....got to hear the heartbeat! YAY! That was exciting to actually hear some sort of life rather than just feeling sick and "knowing" i'm pregnant..it was reassuring knowing there really is life growing inside of me. Everything sounded and looked good. Talked to the dr about getting Zofran which is the prescription I took when I was pregnant with Mya and it worked WONDERFUL. No sickness and no side effects. So i was PUMPED beyond words to know I was finally going to get that relief I'd been hoping for. I took a pill yesterday late afternoon when I started feeling slightly nauseated. And to my surprise..i didn't notice any relief. Then a few hours later, I felt horrible. I took another one. Then a few hours later I got super sick and threw up and fainted. It was probably the worst fainting episode i've had yet. Ryan said I was out longer than normal. Then this morning..i woke up feeling sick. Took some more medicine. I just felt funny. LIke my legs felt heavy and I just couldn't get to feeling better. When it was time..i took some more. Still no relief. Then around 6pm I threw up and fainted AGAIN! I just feel weak and tired and have decided that I'm going back to taking the dramamine. At least with that I felt some relief. I don't understand why the Zofran isn't working this time. I'm just stressed and frustrated that it's Christmas and I'm doing worse than I have in weeks. I honestly need God to do a christmas miracle. I need to start feeling better all the time. I need to for myself, for my kids and for Ryan.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas pictures
Last night I FINALLY took the kids' picture for our christmas card. Yes, a little late, I know. It's just been hectic with me being sick and moving that taking the picture always seemed like such a big ordeal. And I had to wait until I had their perfect christmas outfits as well. So here they are! I was very pleased at how well they ended up doing for the picture. We took the pics after dinner and I expected at least one of them to put up a fight. But to my surprise I had full coroportation for all three! Mason didn't want to get off of the box I had him sitting on. Mya didn't want to stop posing. I swear I took 50 pictures of her one right after another. She just kept posing! So cute! Jordan didn't mind taking the pictures but he was definetly ready to be done when it was over. So anyways. Here ya go! And just so you know...i will be sending out christmas cards, but I ordered them last night and I don't think I'll get them until christmas, but I'll have them ready to mail out as soon as i get them...so you can expect them, but expect them a little late. Better late than never, right?!?!?!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Mason James...1 yr old!!!
WOW! It was one year ago ( yesterday that is..dec 11th) that I was in the hosptial bringing precious Mason James into the world. It was such a WONDERFUL experience!!! Labor is not a good word to describe it. It wasn't any work at all! His delievery was SO easy even though he was 10lbs 2oz!!!!!!!!!! The whole experience was calm and relaxing. But wow, it's been a year already! He's grown from a tiny (well, not tiny in most people's eyes since he was a ten pounder!!) infant into a curious, active toddler! He started doing everything early...rolling over at 2 months, sitting on his own at 4 1/2 months, crawling at 5 1/2 months, standing at 6 months, and walking at 9 months! And by the way..he didn't just start with a few first steps. He took a few steps and that was it...from 9 months old he was walking all over the house..no more crawling! Now he is talking up a storm! We can't always understand him but he is VERY vocal! Nothing is sweeter though than hearing him say, "MA MA MA MA!" :) He is definetly a Mama's boy and he is the sweetest! He loves to snuggle with me and when I hold him he is always giving kisses and hugs!!! He also does this sweet thing where he just rubs my hand or arm....its SO precious!!! My other 2 are sweet...but Mason has them beat!!!!He's just so precious and grew up TOO fast! We had a small birthday party for him last night. He wasn't sure about opening presents but was all for diving into his cake!! He didn't use his hands...he went face first!!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
We're MOVING....
Yes, you read that title right...we got a new house! We had been talking about it. At first we were going to buy the one we are renting now but the more we thought about it, it wasn't exactly what we wanted. So we were going to take our time and find the perfect one. There was no rush so we planned to just be looking at homes when they came about. We needed something different for obvious reasons...space. We were out growing our home. Yes, we could live in here with 4 kids but the kids bedrooms aren't the biggest so it would be tight, especially if this next baby is another boy. Three in one room would be really tight. So more space would definetly be a plus. Also, our yard slopes in the back real bad where the kids can't even really play back there so they have to play in the front which has a slight slope and I don't like them playing in the front by the street. Our dream home would have a big, flat backyard. Those are our 2 major "wants". We liked our house, but would like to find something that meets our needs. So we find this one house that looks pretty new. At first when we drove by...I was like, "yeah, it's nice but wasn't all into it". But we called anyway to take a look at the inside. It did have a GREAT backyard..which is what made me want to check out the inside. In the meantime while we were driving around we found this WONDERFUL looking house. It was obviously MUCH bigger and it just had this WONDERFUL cozy home look. The yard was HUGE and it was right by the golf course...we could see it from our driveway. We called on it. It was more a month than what we said we would pay....but I still wanted to see it. I knew deep down it was more than we should take on. But oh, it was just so wonderful looking and when i looked in the windows...it was SO nice and fancy and just GREAT looking. So while we had set up a time to see that house, the other house called and we were able to go and look at that one. We walked thru the door and in my mind I was going to find anything possible wrong with it because I wanted that other big, emaculate house. Well, as we walked in...I found myself falling in love with this house...it was PERFECT...I loved how it was layed out. THe bedrooms were GREAT...the master was huge and the master bath even has a whirlpool tub!!! The 2nd bedroom was almost as big as the master which is PERFECT size for 2 kids to share and if this one is a boy, 3 could share NO PROBLEM..it's THAT big! The 3rd room is just average size...but still big enough for 2 to share if needed. There is lots of closet space and a nice big garage. And like i mentioned earlier a GREAT BACKYARD! It's big and completely flat...perfect for our kids. I was SO impressed with that house. I told ryan that I didn't even want to look at that other one that I so had my heart set on. This house was much cheaper (in our budget) and it was BRAND NEW! Well, it was 2 yrs old but only had someone living in it for 4 months!!! And we can rent right now and buy anytime we are ready!!! I can't express how perfect this house is for us. It has EVERYTHING I said I wanted. I had no intentions of us finding our new house this fast. Ryan kept saying, "are you sure, you were all about taking our time". But i was sure..i couldn't let this pass us by. I would be heartbroken if we couldn't get this house. I never had intentions of moving before christmas but since we have NO decorations up, I decided I wanted to move before christmas so we can keep our stuff up a little longer and enjoy it. If we didn't move until right after, we would have to rush and take everything down. We have fullfilled our lease at this house and we are just doing month to month now so we can have this house until the 1st. Oh, and when we went to the real estate agency to fill out the paper work, I assumed we would fill out an application and then have to wait a few days and be anxious to find out if we got it or not. So we filled out the application and the agent handed us the key and said, "congrats, here's your new house!". I was shocked at how easy that was!!!! SO we spent about 2 hrs at the house yesterday analyzing where everything is going to go. I'm SO pumped and ready to get moved in. I just never lived in a "new" house before..it's SO nice not seeing old dirt stuck under kitchen cabinets or just scrapes and knicks on the walls. I'm just SO excited to move. The house is about 5 min from where we live now...so this move is going to be SO much more simple that our moves in the past. The kids are super excited mostly for the backyard I think, but they CAN"T wait! Mya asked me this morning, "is today the day we are going to live in the new house?" When I told her "not today" she said, Okay, well, i'll go and pack my suitcase so we can! Then I told her, "remember, we are MOVING so everything is going with us and we'll have to use boxes" and she said, "okay, go and get me my boxes!". So we are very excited and I'm just so amazed at how this fell in our lap! Oh and did I mention it had a fireplace...definetly an added plus..not a "need" but definetly a plus! After we seen this house I told Ryan I didn't even want to look at the other one I was so set on because #1 it wasn't in our budget and #2 I love this house and don't even want to look at anything else!!!! It's funny how something you tell yourself your not going to like, can end up being something your in love with! So we are planning on being completely moved in by the 10th (yes, 5 days from now...crazy, I know! LOL). We will have this house till the 1st so we will not have to get everything out right away..like storage type stuff we can take our time on. So, that is the latest and greatest Beers family news!!! :)
A few days ago, I took Mason to the Dr because he had been coughing close to 2 weeks and I could now hear it in his chest. We all had colds but we got over ours and I thought he would too but since he wasn't seeming to get over it I decided to take him in. And I'm glad I did. Turns out he had another ear infection so he's on antibiotics for that. He was already on singular for the past 2 months and actually needs to take that all winter for his allergies. He always has watery eyes and a runny nose because of allergies. Now he is also on a steroid to help open up his airway so he can cough all the gunk out. And now I have to do breathing treatments on him 2 times a day for 30 days. The home medical equiptment people brought a nebulizer to our house and showed me how to use it. I don't think anyone realizes how difficult it is to get an 11 month old to sit still and breathe in medicine for 15 minutes! He has a mask but won't keep that on. They told me i could wave it in front of his face until the medicine is gone so that is what I've been doing. At first he pushes it away and tries running away from it. But now I think we got it down! Ryan holds him and gets him interested in some books and I sit there and wave that in front of his nose and mouth. He tries pushing me away at first but then just kinda forgets about me being there and just looks at his books. we've only done 4 so far and i'm about to start his first one for today! I'm hoping after the 30 days we can be done with this. He was diagnosed with acute bronchospasm. Wasn't exactly sure what that was and the dr said his airway and lungs are constricted but then looked it up and it basically means "asthma". He will be re-evaluated in 30 days. I'm just hoping that these treatments help him and it's not something we have to continue. I don't have a picture of Mason acutally doing a treatment but I have this picture of him trying on the mask!
Monday, December 1, 2008
I need to get my Christmas on
Okay, so it's Dec 1st...and there is NO sign of christmas in the Beers' household. Not because we are scrooges..not at ALL! It's just well, since I'm pregnant and this is my 1st trimester I am SUPER tired and sick on and off. Especially in the evenings so I don't have the energy to put into getting everything out or the energy to have every spot in the living tidy and orderly so I can see where to put the christmas decorations. My MAIN motivation breaker though can be summed up in one word....MASON....!!!!!! As I write this I am constantly moving him from the front of the tv because he keeps pushing it on and off while the kids are watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (okay, i guess there is a little christmas in our house...christmas tv shows! LOL). He is into EVERYTHING these days. I can not keep up with him and I can only imagine what our tree will go thru when Mason gets his hands on it!!!!!!!!! Even with the bottom half not decorated...those poor tree limbs (it's a fake tree by the way!) And to buy a baby gate fence for around it...we don't have the money for that just to use for this one month. So that is a big motivation breaker for me....I know..i need to get my "Christmas" on....and I will. I am prepping myself for it this weekend...WE WILL HAVE OUR TREE UP THIS WEEKEND! But until then...I'm going to enjoy every minute of not having to chase him away from the tree. Now next Christmas should be an easier one since Mason will be 2 and at least know how to listen to us...somewhat. And the baby will only be like 6 months old. Then I need to pray that the next Christmas that Baby #4 doesn't follow in Mason's footsteps. He has definetly been my most "getting into everything" child!!!! But on a positive note...Mason is also my most lovey and cuddly baby. He definetly makes up for his getting into everything with TONS of snuggles!!!! So you can expect a blog next weekend with christmas decoration pictures and I'm sure a few stories about Mason getting into the tree!!!!!!!!!!!!! Until then...Hope everyone is having fun getting ready for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
potato salad...
I'm craving Mustard potato salad. I bought some from the walmart deli the other day...and i just ate the last little bit..man, i wish I had another whole tub of it! I could chow down on that right now! Oh boy..the cravings are just starting! LOL!
Tomorrow is thanksgiving & today I'm thankful for...
Tomorrow is thanksgiving and I doubt I'll have time to write this blog so while I sit here and eat my banana I thought I would write this blog.
Things I'm thankful for: (this isn't going to be this big, deep blog..just simple things)
1. The fact that I'm typing this...i'm feeling pretty good today!
2. That jordan has the rest of the week off of school (i get to spend extra time with AND we don't have to make that 20 minute trip to and from his school numourus times a day!!!)
3. cider donuts (thanks to Ashley & Ryan's mom for bringing them to us last night!)
4. My kids are playing nicely together right now..ALL 3 of them!
5. The fact that I can get in on black Friday sales without leaving my house at ungodly hours of morning--Ryan does that for me! :)
6. That i get to eat a thanksgiving feast tomorrow!! (i've been craving that type of food for a month now!!)
7. That the temp is going to be like 60 degrees tomorrow...
8. That I have a great cashier at Walgreens that always makes sure I pay hardly ANYTHING and get a great deal!
9. Free samples in the mail (gotta love anything free!!!!!!!!!!!)
10. And of course...my family...my wonderful husband, my terrific precious kids, the baby in my belly, and our extended family...i love them all and of course I'm VERY thankful for all of them.
11. And of course Jesus Christ who died for me...without Him..we are all NOTHING!
There you go..the few things that I'm thankful for that popped in my head...there are many many more..but I just thought I would type a few of them. Okay, off to blow dry and straighten my hair (it's been FOREVER since I've actually done my hair...seriously..i'm just lucky to get it washed...so it's been pretty scary looking lately...and that is the main reason for no prego pictures of me floating around yet! LOL)
Things I'm thankful for: (this isn't going to be this big, deep blog..just simple things)
1. The fact that I'm typing this...i'm feeling pretty good today!
2. That jordan has the rest of the week off of school (i get to spend extra time with AND we don't have to make that 20 minute trip to and from his school numourus times a day!!!)
3. cider donuts (thanks to Ashley & Ryan's mom for bringing them to us last night!)
4. My kids are playing nicely together right now..ALL 3 of them!
5. The fact that I can get in on black Friday sales without leaving my house at ungodly hours of morning--Ryan does that for me! :)
6. That i get to eat a thanksgiving feast tomorrow!! (i've been craving that type of food for a month now!!)
7. That the temp is going to be like 60 degrees tomorrow...
8. That I have a great cashier at Walgreens that always makes sure I pay hardly ANYTHING and get a great deal!
9. Free samples in the mail (gotta love anything free!!!!!!!!!!!)
10. And of course...my family...my wonderful husband, my terrific precious kids, the baby in my belly, and our extended family...i love them all and of course I'm VERY thankful for all of them.
11. And of course Jesus Christ who died for me...without Him..we are all NOTHING!
There you go..the few things that I'm thankful for that popped in my head...there are many many more..but I just thought I would type a few of them. Okay, off to blow dry and straighten my hair (it's been FOREVER since I've actually done my hair...seriously..i'm just lucky to get it washed...so it's been pretty scary looking lately...and that is the main reason for no prego pictures of me floating around yet! LOL)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Back to being sick....
Don't get me wrong...I TOTALLY still praise God for those 2 days of feeling good. It was wonderful but now i'm back to being sick. Last night around 9pm...i felt horrible sick and threw up and fainted real bad again. I had started feeling sick around dinnertime and it just escalated. Then I woke up this morning not feeling so hot but figured once I ate I would be fine...WRONG...threw up AGAIN! So now it's 9am and I'm drinking Gingerale and eating chicken noodle soup with hopes it will fill my stomach and I can get on with my day. Please Lord, Help to to feel good today.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I Believe in Miracles....
Yes, miracles..I have always believed and have seen miracles throughout my life. But today I was in tears as I drove myself to walmart...yes, you heard me right...I DROVE TO WALMART! Okay, so where's the miracle you ask. The fact that I got up this morning, went to church, made lunch, went grocery shopping...that to me is a miracle. I'm not being sarcastic by any means. I was actually in tears thanking God the way to walmart. I have been so sick and with my previous pregnancies I knew that it just doesn't go away...not at 9 weeks pregnant!!! When I was pregnant with Mason I still had a few bouts of being sick up until the 3rd trimester so I know without a doubt this was a miracle. I had been praying daily asking God to give me strength and help me thru this and to not be so sick. I was having the hardest time watching my home and family be neglected by me because all I could do was lay on the couch. Not to mention feeling absolutly horrible. Yesterday was my birthday and we went out to eat and to the mall. I felt good. I got hungry but made sure I ate as soon as i felt the urge to keep me from getting sick. And it worked! I felt good..i felt good all evening as well. I was nervous going to church this morning...I just didn't think I would get lucky two days in a row...but PRAISE GOD...I felt good during church. I felt good afterwards...and GOOD enough to go to Walmart. To me..that is a miracle. I truly believe God was at work in this situation. I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. I did get real tired once i got home. I had to lay down and for a few moments..thought I might get sick. I ate though, and that seemed to help. PRAISE GOD AGAIN!! I could never be more greatful. I am starting to feel the hungry feeling again. I'm going to eat some crackers...then hopefully the chilli I'm cooking right now goes down good (and stays down! LOL). I just wanted to write this and remind you to never give up on God and his miraculous power.....it may not sound like a miracle to just anybody..but to me...it was truly a miracle. Miracles can be big or small.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
more ramblings....
Okay....so I've decided that after I have this baby I'm going to be anorexic....not to lose weight but just because I don't EVER want to eat again! ugh. Of course I'm kidding. But I'm SO tired of thinking of food. It's like I have to force myself to eat and think about what to eat constantly. I don't get a break from it. Just when I think my stomach might feel full..nope, i get that hunger pain again which only makes the nausea worse.
Also, I'm praying that my teeth don't rot out while I'm pregnant. I have the HARDEST time brushing my teeth. I do it..but not like I should be and everytimeI use the toothbrush it makes me gag and when I gag...bad things happen.
This show that is on TV right now that Mya is watching "yo Gabba Gabba" Is making me feel more nausaus...seriously...the show makes me think back to when I was pregnant with Mason and she used to watch it every day when I was as sick as could be on the couch...so now I associate that show with feelings of nausea. So weird.
Saturday is my birthday. Ryan and I were suppose to go out to dinner. I asked him if we could in the afternoon just cuz I have a better chance that I'll feel okay. I am praying that I at least feel good that day.
okay, mason is awake in his bed from an early nap...better go and get him.
Also, I'm praying that my teeth don't rot out while I'm pregnant. I have the HARDEST time brushing my teeth. I do it..but not like I should be and everytimeI use the toothbrush it makes me gag and when I gag...bad things happen.
This show that is on TV right now that Mya is watching "yo Gabba Gabba" Is making me feel more nausaus...seriously...the show makes me think back to when I was pregnant with Mason and she used to watch it every day when I was as sick as could be on the couch...so now I associate that show with feelings of nausea. So weird.
Saturday is my birthday. Ryan and I were suppose to go out to dinner. I asked him if we could in the afternoon just cuz I have a better chance that I'll feel okay. I am praying that I at least feel good that day.
okay, mason is awake in his bed from an early nap...better go and get him.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Is it June yet?
Seriously...I have SO far to go. SO many more bad days ahead of me. I know that doesn't sound positive...but it's hard to be positive when I know the road that lies ahead of me. Yesterday I felt pretty nausaus all day. Then at about 9pm...I threw up (sorry for graphic details...). Didnt' faint...which I was VERY THANKFUL for. But then in the middle of the night Jordan fell out of his bed and came in my room to tell me. So I got up to tuck him back in bed. Mason was then awake and I could tell I had to fall asleep right away or I was going to get sick. I handed Mason to Ryan and sure enough...had to grab my walmart sack and head for the floor. (that is my throwing up drill..grab a walmart bag and just lay on the floor so if I do faint...i don't fall and get hurt even worse!). Then everything turned black...my hearing disappeared and that is the last thing I remember until I woke up with NO clue as to where I was. Ryan told me I was throwing up and I fainted and I was in our room. He knows the drill. Then I was shaking and was super cold. Ugh! Why does this happen to me? I just don't get it. So now today..i just feel extra weak and scared of throwing up and fainting...it's a fear I have all day long. And I'm here alone with all 3 kids. Jordan got sick at school yesterday so we didn't send him today. But I'm wishing I did send him. He's OBVIOUSLY feeling better. He has TOO much energy to be cooped up in the house. So that means him and Mya keep fighting...AND Mason went down for his nap and of course their fighting woke him up...so he's crying in his bed right now. I'm hoping he'll go back to sleep soon. I've got to get off of here...I'm about to lose my mind. Not to mention my lunch. ugh!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Oh let the blogging begin....

The pregnancy blogging that is. This is my way of venting...expressing all my feelings, my aches and pains, my emotions. So are you all ready to embark on this crazy thing called pregnancy with me? Here are my exact thoughts right now related to pregnancy.
Why does God have it that most pregnant women get sick at the beginning of pregnancy? I just can't grasp that. To me it would make sense for a pregnant woman to feel well so she can eat the most nutrious foods and take care of herself. Instead of having to only eat what she can keep down which isn't always the most healthiest of foods (like my pototo chips and mcd's french fries). I love fresh fruit. LOVE IT...but when I'm pregnant I have a hard time eating it at the beginning. I love veggies as well...but once again..those just don't sound good. Except baked potatoes. I think my baked potatoe count is up to 12 that I've eaten so far. I just don't understand this concept. When I go to heaven...this is definetly one of the 1st things I'm going to ask God.
Another thought is why does pregnancy have be for 9 months? I would be perfectly happy with about 3 months, even 6 months BUT 9 months? Does anyone realize how long that really is? That is almost a year!!!! But what is so strange is after you have a baby, the baby's 1st 9 months seem to FLY by. I can't believe Mason is already 11 months old...that sure flew by and I hardly remember being pregnant with him.
So anyways..this just starts the first of my MANY ramblings about pregnancy and how I'm feeling. I promise you they will get more positive and happy once I get over this horrid morning "oh I'm sorry...who ever named it that had NO clue" sickness...it's ALL DAY sickness for me...
And don't get me wrong...I'm THRILLED to be pregnant again. I am in awe at this marvelous, precious miracle growing inside me. When I think of that...it amazes me!
Poor Jordan
I got the dreaded call from the school nurse today. Jordan had thrown up in class and was sick and needed go home. Poor little guy! Ryan's mom went to pick him up for me so he's not here yet. So I don't know the whole story. But I just feel so bad for him. I did not see this coming. :(
The news it out!
As most of you probably have heard now....Yes, Beers Baby #4 is on it's way! My estimated due date is June 18th. I haven't been to the dr yet...so I'm sure that will change a bit. And as always I'm sure I'll be induced early so i'm thinking at the beginning of June we'll have the baby! But that is SO far off. Oh how I wish it was in the near future. This part of pregnancy is SO hard on me. I get SO sick and just feel miserable. I'm tired of thinking about food. I'm tired of trying to find food to eat and to constantly eat so my stomach doesn't get empty. And even with my biggest efforts, I still manage to get sick and throw up occassionally. I'm SO worn out and tired all the time. My house is a disaster. Which just stresses me out even more. I just lay on the couch and wish I had someone there that I could just sit and tell them what to do with everything and just put it away! Luckily Ryan has been a big help. The other night he cleaned the living room and kitchen for me! Even scrubbed the kitchen floor! And did laundry! What a blessing that was!!!!!!!!Even though I cried the whole time because I felt bad because that is what I should be doing! Oh, I'm a mess these days! LOL! It's hard chasing after Mason. He is at the stage where he gets into EVERYTHING! I have made baracades so he can't reach the tv and change the channels or shut it off from the tv...or so he can't get behind the chair and unplug the light!!! I look forward to the nights when the kids will be in bed but when the evening approaches, all I can think about it going to bed. I get SO tired that I go to bed as soon as the kids are in bed. It's all going to be worth it in the end. It's just hard to see that end result right now. I don't have a picture to go along with this blog because a belly shot would look funny right now..it would just be of my normal chub I had before I was pregnant this time! The chub I have never lost after having Mason! So I'll save the pictures for in the future!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Halloween pics
I know these are WAY over due! Sorry. But here they are! :) The kids had fun. We went to one of the local churches that was doing a "Trunk or Treat!". They had a bunch of cars set up and decorated and were handing out candy! Jordan was a Knight, Mya was a cheerleader and Mason was a dinosaur!!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Counting down...
I'm counting down the minutes until Ryan gets home!!!!!!! Right now we have 38 minutes according to his GPS.... YAY! He was going to only drive part of the way and then the rest tomorrow but he decided to do it all in one day!!!!!!!!!!!! I was SO happy! He's finally going to be home!!!!! YAY!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Mya is going to be okay!!!!
I really ment to write a blog last night and I actually started one, but Mason turned off my computer (AGAIN..he is so fast and obsessed with the blue button..i need to figure out something so he doesn't do that...but back to my blog) So, we had Mya's Dr appt yesterday. At first they started acting very serious and very concerned about her symptoms. She did have a slight fever. They checked her oxygen level and was finally able to get a reading they were happy with. Then they ordered an xray and wanted to do an uralysis (where you pee in a cup). The nurse asked Mya if she would be willing to go pee in a cup..and she flat out said, "no way, I'm NOT doing that!". I could tell by the way she said it...she was NOT going to do that. We are still working on potty training and I have not been able to find any sort of bribe that works for that so I knew we weren't going to bribe her to pee in the "hat" they put on the toilet. We tried...but she clearly wasn't going to do that. So they stuck this bag thing to her with hopes she would pee and they would collect it that way. She was NOT happy about that either. (she never ended up doing it so they never did the uralysis)So then they did the xray. She was fine with that and amazed at what her "insides" looked like. She didn't like that she couldn't see her arms though, she wanted a picture of her arms. LOL! Finally after awhile the dr went over her xray with us. Come to find out she is CONSTIPATED! All that and that is what the problem is. I had NO clue. She really didn't show signs of it. He also said she has lots of air pockets in her abdomen which probably was caused by her swallowing air when she was crying. He said that can be very painful because it has no where to go since her intestines are blocked. I was SO relieved to hear those results. Constipation...we can handle that. The tumor that I THOUGHT was growing in her stomach was something I couldn't handle! Oh and the reason for it only hurting at night was because that is when her intestines happen to do whatever it is that intestines do on a regular basis (hence the reason for it happening at the same time every night). He told me to give her Milk of Magnesia and have her eat applesauce and pears and to get extra exercise. Last night she slept the WHOLE night. No waking up crying. I was SO relieved. I am just happy that what could have been something really bad was something very common. Thank you to all of you that were praying for her. I really appreciate it. I know God had his hand on this situation.
Update on Mya
(read my previous post if you aren't sure what I'm talking about)
Last night Mya woke up at 1am again screaming and crying saying her stomach hurt. This time it was way worse than the nights before. She kept asking me to squeeze her stomach as hard as I could (of course I didn't really squeeze it that hard...just lightly rubbed it) to make the pain stop. It was SO sad watching her be in pain. We were up until 5am. She slept for about 10 min at a time in between there but kept waking up crying. I don't know what is wrong. I'm so worried about her. She is sleeping right now. She said she was ok when I woke her up this morning to bring Jordan to school. I just don't get what would make her hurt so bad at night but be fine during the day. I tried getting a Dr appt but cant' get one until March 2008 since she doesn't actually have a Dr here yet (she hasn't needed to see one since we've moved here) and would be a new patient. Okay, don't think we can wait until then. I was able to get her in with a nurse practioner that is actually where Mason goes though. I would prefer a dr but he is really good so hopefully he'll know what could be wrong. This will be the 3rd time I've had to see him in the past 2 1/2 weeks! (had to take mason 2 times for an ear infection). So anyways, her dr appt is at 1:15pm. If any of you could say a quick prayer that the Dr will know what is wrong with her and be able to her and that it's nothing serious I would greatly appreciate it. I'll keep you all updated.
Last night Mya woke up at 1am again screaming and crying saying her stomach hurt. This time it was way worse than the nights before. She kept asking me to squeeze her stomach as hard as I could (of course I didn't really squeeze it that hard...just lightly rubbed it) to make the pain stop. It was SO sad watching her be in pain. We were up until 5am. She slept for about 10 min at a time in between there but kept waking up crying. I don't know what is wrong. I'm so worried about her. She is sleeping right now. She said she was ok when I woke her up this morning to bring Jordan to school. I just don't get what would make her hurt so bad at night but be fine during the day. I tried getting a Dr appt but cant' get one until March 2008 since she doesn't actually have a Dr here yet (she hasn't needed to see one since we've moved here) and would be a new patient. Okay, don't think we can wait until then. I was able to get her in with a nurse practioner that is actually where Mason goes though. I would prefer a dr but he is really good so hopefully he'll know what could be wrong. This will be the 3rd time I've had to see him in the past 2 1/2 weeks! (had to take mason 2 times for an ear infection). So anyways, her dr appt is at 1:15pm. If any of you could say a quick prayer that the Dr will know what is wrong with her and be able to her and that it's nothing serious I would greatly appreciate it. I'll keep you all updated.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A Mother's Pain
The most painful thing for me as a mother so far has been to see one of my children in pain and not being able to do anything about it. The feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are unbearable. Last night (well, and the night before as well) Mya woke up at 1:00am crying and screaming in great pain. She said her stomach hurt. I was holding her in my bed and trying to rock her back and forth. She kepts saying, "I don't understand...why does it hurt so bad"..then she would cry some more and move around like she couldn't handle the pain. Then she would say "please Mommy, make it stop!". I wanted to make it stop but I felt so helpless. I just prayed for her. It was all I could do. Then she said, "no, that isn't helping...why isn't Jesus making me feel better!". How do you explain THAT to a 3 yr old? When you teach them that we can pray to Jesus when we are hurting and here she is hurting but she is seeing no results?!?! I was trying to hold back my tears. I couldn't. Luckily it was dark in the room and she couldn't tell I was crying. I was in so much pain in my heart just knowing she was in so much pain and I couldn't do anything about it. As far as her stomach pains. I have no clue what they could be. She is not constipated, she is not having diarhha, she is not vomiting. Usually one of those 3 things are associated with stomach pain. Then today (and yesterday as well) she woke up fine. She is fine right now so we will see how tonight goes. When I was holding her last night as she finally calmed down (about an hour later and a phone call to daddy as well...she wanted to talk to him to see if he could make her better--I swear though, Ryan has this magic way of talking to her..doesn't matter the situation..he can always calm her down and make her feel better after she talked to him she seemed better and fell asleep in my arms) I couldn't help but think, "what if something is seriously wrong with my baby? I mean, it's not like she's sick...so what would cause her these pains in her stomach? Millions of things started entering my mind. Then I started bawling even more. Then I just said another prayer and layed her down. I know God is in control and I'm sure it's nothing serious. But still, it's scary. I'm praying that tonight is a better night. If it's not though, I will be taking her to the dr tomorrow for sure.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
Today was Jordan's field trip the Pumpkin Patch. Mya, Mason and I went too! We followed the buses there (and boy was it quite the drive. It took 45 min and we were in the middle of nowhere! I swear i've never seen so much farm land before!) Anyways, Jordan was SO excited to ride the bus. It was his 1st time on one. So he was super excited. Mya was less than thrilled to know that her Bubba was riding a school bus and she wasn't but she quickly got over that, thank goodness!!. When we got there we ate lunch. Then we took a Hay ride and then the kids rode on the cow train thru the corn maze. There were some slides there and pumpkins of course! The kids had so much fun. I had fun watching them have fun. Oh and Mason had fun playing the "corn box" (it's like a sand box except it was filled with corn!) Poor Mason though, wasn't feeling well. He didn't eat all day and wasn't quite his normal smiley self. He was still happy, but I could tell he wasn't himself. Poor little guy. But anyways, so that is what we did today. Hope you enjoy the pictures from our day!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Annoying stranger at my door
So tonight at dinner the kids and I were all sitting down eating dinner. We were right on schedule. Jordan had a soccer game at 6pm so we had to stay completley on schedule in order to make it there on time and not feeling rushed. Then the door bell rings. Of course my kids make a mad dash for the door thinking it would be someone they knew. I also assumed it would have been someone we knew. Hardly anyone ever rings our doorbell unexpected. Well, to my surprise it was a well dressed black gentleman. He started rattling off his whole schpeal (not quite sure the spelling of that word...but sound it out and you should have the word I ment to use). I felt like slamming the door just because he was interupting my perfectly scheduled dinner. But instead..i listened...knowing my final answer would be "No, I am not interested". In my mind I kept thinking of a way to politely say, "no thanks" but there really wasn't a break in his talking to politly do that. By this time I was holding Mason who weighs 27 lbs and kept trying to climb over my shoulder. I couldn't put him down because he would make a mad dash thru the door. Well, come to find out this guy was trying to get "points" (??) to pay his way to go and audition for American Idol. He had some whole signed ordeal from our city giving him permission to go door to door (we live in a village where you can't just do anything without getting permission from the property owners association--like you can only do things in this city if you live here or are a guest of someone who does). So apparently this was legit. Then he says he will sing for us. OKAY...not to be mean..but HE WAS NOT EVEN GOOD! My kids were LAUGHING at him...you must be bad when a 5 yr old and a 3 yr old are laughing at your singing. I was trying to hide behind mason to keep from cracking a smile. I mean, I couldn't look at the guy, know what i mean? He wasn't like super duper bad..but only the first line of the song sounded half way decent. He sung the hymn "my eyes are on the sparrow". So apparently this poor guy is trying to raise money to audtion for american idol only to probably make it on the episodes where they make fun of people! I'm sure Simon will have some words for him. Something like, "it was totally pitchy", you couldn't sing for a childs birthday party, or why don't you find another profession, singing is not for you!". Anyway..back to the points that he was collecting. He got points if we ordered magizines from him. I told him, "no, i'm sorry, i already get all that I want and I'm also trying to cut back in spending". He looked at me disappointed and then told me that "Amy" like i even knew who that was..apparently she lives on my street ordered something Disney for her kids. he even showed me her check and what she ordered. I was just like, that is great for Amy, but I'm not interested. Then he said, "well, you don't have to buy any, you can just give a donation of a penny or more and I can get 7pts." Jordan ran in his room and got one "penny" for him! HOW FUNNY!!!! The guy took the penny and was like, "thanks but gave me this strange look! Well, there you go buddy..you are one penny closer to auditioning for american idol! GOOD LUCK! LOL! SO weird...then of course...we were in a RUSH to get to Jordan's soccer game and the kids never finished their dinner. I should have just shut the door the second I opened it. Sorry, i'm not the most friendly type I guess. Next time I'll look to see who's there before I open it. If it's anyone i don't know..they can just keep walking! LOL!
Friday, October 3, 2008
I do not have time right now to be blogging...but I just had to quick write this down! I believe I was just rejected by Jordan!!! Yes, my 5 yr old..my kindergartener! Ahh...okay, here's the story. Jordan will be going on a field trip in a few weeks to a pumpkin patch. Parents can go so I will be going. I just told Jordan that I was going to go and his exact words were, "I don't want you to go, I want to be alone with my friends!". WHAT??!?!?! He's FIVE!!!!! Oh dear! Then I said, "but I really wanted to go and take Mason & Mya too!". Then he said, "alright, but please don't embarass me!!" Can you believe it?!?! He is growing up WAY too fast!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
What a good day!!!!!!
Today was a good day. It started out with Jordan's soccer game at 9am. Then we came home and I got a few things done that I needed to. Then after lunch I got the kids dressed to go and take pictures by the creek. When we got there, people we decorating for a wedding so we couldn't go and take pics and play in the creek. (that is all jordan was concerned about!). There is also a walking trail there, so we walked down it for a little bit so I could attempt to take some pictures. My main focus was to get a good picture of all 3 kids. That didn't happen. I got a few good individual shots..just not the 3 of them like I had hoped. Oh well, there will be other times. So we continued on our trip. We were thirsty so we made a Sonic stop and got cherry limeades! Next we went to the lake to play in the creek there. When we got there, the water was deeper than normal so the kids couldn't play in the creek there either. And a police officer was there and warned that there were many snakes down there. That kept Jordan from begging me to let him go in the creek!!! So we decided to just walk (there is a walking trail there too). Then we watched the ducks from the bridge. Mason managed to drop his bottle down in the water by the ducks! Bye-bye ba-ba!! Then we went to Walgreens, then up to Sam's. Then back to Bella Vista with another stop by the lake so the kids could play on the playground there. THEN finally back home. That is a lot of stuff to do in one day. It took like 5 hours!!! It was a great day though. The kids were excellent and it was a much needed "together time" without having to deal with "issues". It was a great day! I love my kiddos.I just wished Ryan was here to enjoy this with us :(
Friday, September 26, 2008
A make-up artist in the making
So, just a few minutes ago I was rocking Mason back to sleep and Mya was still awake and being really quiet in my bathroom...so I called her name. She came out to me with SUPER shiny lips. She found my lip gloss and put it all over her lips and all around them. I asked her what she had on and she said, "your lip gloss!". Then she said, "now I look just like a Barbie!". Then I said, "Hold on...let me put mason in bed and I'll take your picture!". Then she asked, "why, because I look Bootiful?"--that is how she says beautiful. So I took a couple of pics. I know you really can't see how shiny her face was...but it was sure shiny..i think she used half of the tube of lip gloss. That is not all...her cheeks are brown from my bronzer. Now, as I'm typing she is asking me to come and watch her do her make-up and she just brought me my foundation and asked where that goes on. That is my clue to get off the computer and watch her...who knows what she would be doing next!!! AHH!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Two peas in a pod
I guess Ryan and I are really 'two peas in a pod", we are one, united......
He came home Saturday night and said, "do you like my new starbucks mug?" I was like, "I have the same one! I just got it the other day!" He said, "no, you didn't, really". Yup, sure enough...we both bought the same mug! Aww...how cute..matching starbucks mugs. What is strange about this..is Ryan doesn't even drink coffee...so it was TOTALLY random for him to buy that!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My coffee buddy

I am starting her out young!!!
(although, she isn't having coffee..it's just a starbucks hot chocolate!)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
I'm offically a worn out "soccer mom"!!
I am EXHAUSTED from today and just this whole week. I guess I am finding out what the term "Soccer Mom" is. I believe I am one now! All I need is my mini van, which is coming in the upcoming months. I have spent more time in my vehicle this week than I ever have! It's crazy. Here is a run down of this past week:
Monday: Bring Jordan to and from school (it takes me 20 min each way to and from the school..20 min there in the morn and 20 back home..then I do it again in the afternoon!!)
Mya- Soccer at 6pm.
Tuesday: Bring Jordan to and from school; Jordan-Soccer 5:30pm
Wednesday: Bring Jordan to and from school; Mya-dance 9:30am-10:30am
Thursday: Bring jordan to & from school, bring Mya to library for story time; go out to lunch with a friend; Jordan-soccer practice 5:30pm.
Friday: Bring jordan to school, go to breakfast at the donut shop with Mya (it's becoming our friday morning tradition), go to some garage sales, find a great deal on a nice twin bed for Mya, go back home, have ryan's grandpa bring me BACK to the garage sale (which by the way is 20 min away) to get the bed with his truck, go back home unload it. Quickly take a shower(planned on taking one in the a.m. after garage saling but didn't get to it till the afternoon!) then rush out the door to pick up Jordan from school; right from school run to Las Fajitas(our fav mexican restaurant..i could eat there EVERYDAY!) to meet Ryan's grandparents and Aunt for dinner, then go to walmart then FINALLY go HOME!!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!!
I am so worn out. To make it worse, my jeep is in the shop and won't be done till monday or tuesday. I'm so thankful the church has a car for me to use, but it's so small and it's hard to fit us all in there. I'm ready for my jeep grand cherekee back...i'm even more ready for my mini van..i see now why SO many mothers have them. :) Tomorrow is my day to catch up on the housework. Then in the afternoon Jordan has a birthday party to go to. Then Sunday is church AND then comes Monday and we start ALL over again! I like being busy and I LOVE taking my kids to stuff. I'm having a blast watching them play soccer and watching Mya do dance. It's all I want to do, just watch them have a blast! It's what I've been looking forward to. It just all started at once. I went from hardly leaving the house all week except to go to church and to get groceries to hardly ever being home! If this is what being a "soccer mom" is ....then I'm loving it! (except for the exhaustion...i'm hoping i'll get used to it with time!)
I"M EXHAUSTED! Not only am I tired from all that but in between there
Monday: Bring Jordan to and from school (it takes me 20 min each way to and from the school..20 min there in the morn and 20 back home..then I do it again in the afternoon!!)
Mya- Soccer at 6pm.
Tuesday: Bring Jordan to and from school; Jordan-Soccer 5:30pm
Wednesday: Bring Jordan to and from school; Mya-dance 9:30am-10:30am
Thursday: Bring jordan to & from school, bring Mya to library for story time; go out to lunch with a friend; Jordan-soccer practice 5:30pm.
Friday: Bring jordan to school, go to breakfast at the donut shop with Mya (it's becoming our friday morning tradition), go to some garage sales, find a great deal on a nice twin bed for Mya, go back home, have ryan's grandpa bring me BACK to the garage sale (which by the way is 20 min away) to get the bed with his truck, go back home unload it. Quickly take a shower(planned on taking one in the a.m. after garage saling but didn't get to it till the afternoon!) then rush out the door to pick up Jordan from school; right from school run to Las Fajitas(our fav mexican restaurant..i could eat there EVERYDAY!) to meet Ryan's grandparents and Aunt for dinner, then go to walmart then FINALLY go HOME!!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!!
I am so worn out. To make it worse, my jeep is in the shop and won't be done till monday or tuesday. I'm so thankful the church has a car for me to use, but it's so small and it's hard to fit us all in there. I'm ready for my jeep grand cherekee back...i'm even more ready for my mini van..i see now why SO many mothers have them. :) Tomorrow is my day to catch up on the housework. Then in the afternoon Jordan has a birthday party to go to. Then Sunday is church AND then comes Monday and we start ALL over again! I like being busy and I LOVE taking my kids to stuff. I'm having a blast watching them play soccer and watching Mya do dance. It's all I want to do, just watch them have a blast! It's what I've been looking forward to. It just all started at once. I went from hardly leaving the house all week except to go to church and to get groceries to hardly ever being home! If this is what being a "soccer mom" is ....then I'm loving it! (except for the exhaustion...i'm hoping i'll get used to it with time!)
I"M EXHAUSTED! Not only am I tired from all that but in between there
Friday, September 5, 2008
A great way to end a not so great day...
It was so nice spending the evening with my kids. It started out at dinner. We ate dinner together. It was nice but we were missing someone very special. Ryan. He is a very important staple in this family and dinner just wasn't the same without him here. But he did end up calling at the end of dinner so it was nice talking to him. Then the kids talked to him via webcam. Mason was able to show him how he can clap his hands now! Then after that I cleaned up dinner and the kids played. Then it was bathtime. I love how soft and clean the kids feel after all the day's dirt is scrubbed off of them! They were all so cuddley in their pj's. Then we read a Bible story. Then it was movie night. The kids wanted to watch "Spykids". So I made them popcorn and fruit punch and they got all snuggled up on the floor to watch their movie. What a great way to end the night! I love my Kids!
What a day & it's only Noon
So today started out with Jordan waking me saying "Mom, we have to get I have school today!" What?!?! I sit straight up...my heart beating so fast because I got woken up from a deep sleep. I check the time...Whew...only 7:08am...we dont' have to leave the house until 7:30am (that is the lastest we can leave to have him there on time). So I rush around to make myself look half way presentable (since I have to walk him into school every morning--he refuses to let me just drop him off). I got Mason changed and dressed. Then make Jordan's breakfast. Then wake Mya up, get her dressed. Okay, it's 7:29am...okay, let's get in the jeep...so far so good. And we are off. By this time it's 7:38am and we start our drive. of course I get behind the slowest people in Arkansas. Seriously people, don't you want to get where you are going at a decent time? I mean you are obviously going to work or school so push the pedal to the metal...seriously, if you don't have somewhere to be you should be in bed sleeping. So we pull into the middle school parking lot (about a block from jordan's school..where i have to park every morning to walk him into school). 7:55am. Whew! we made it. So I get him into school. We walk down the hall way and there were kids everywhere...they were scattering around like a bunch of little ants. Seriously, they were ALL OVER! Mason was in my arms waving happily at everyone. I said my good bye to Jordan and gave him a hug and a kiss. Now it's time to go home. That's right..I have an eye appointment today at 9am..so when we get home we have 15 minutes to eat breakfast then we have to leave and head to walmart for my appointment. Mya eats her breakfast. I get everything in the diaper bag and get all the kids buckled back in the car. Good, we have 10 minutes until my appointment. That will give us 6 minutes to get there and 4 to walk in. I put my key in the ignition and.....and.....and....NOTHING. No sound of it even trying to start. WHAT?!?!? This can't be happening. So I take a deep breath and take the key out and try again. I mean, i must have done something wrong...just 15 minutes ago it was working just fine. Nope, nothing again. The radio came on...so the battery couldn't be dead, right? Then I start to panic. Who cares about my eye appointment...how was I going to get Jordan at 3pm today? I call Ryan. He kept telling me maybe I didn't have it all the way in park. But I did. I start to cry. I'm freaking out. So he says he'll call his grandpa who just rencently moved here (praise God!) to come and look at it. So he comes. He tries to charge the battery. That does nothing. The battery was find. The starter was brand new a few months ago. That wasn't it. Then he starts to jiggle the fuses and then he tries and...VOILA! it started! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!! He said the starter fuse was loose. I am SOOOO thankful that is all it was. Ryan is in Florida and it was a stress I didn't want to have to deal with without him here. So now I think I might go to the jeep dealership and get a new starter fuse to have on hand incase there is something wrong with it. I'm just happy it's running now. My whole morning was shot...but at least it's working now. Mason is napping right now and Mya is watching "wow, wow Wubzy". I am trying to get motivated to clean out jordan's closet but the way my morning has went...I think I might just relax. I also need to schedule another eye appointment seeing as I can hardly see out of my contacts..I am in desperate need of new ones!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My Ballerina
I was SO excited. Today was Mya's first day of dance class. She is taking a dance class that includes Ballet, Tap & tumbling every Wednesday morning. I was SO excited for her to start. She was very excited too. I was a little nervous about her going in the class without me. The parents can watch from a mirror, we can't actually be in the room. But she did GREAT! She went right in and participated great. Actually EXCELLENT! I must say, she's got quite the technique! I'm not just saying that because she's my little girl. She really did every thing great. She did everything exactly like the teacher was showing her. It actually got me a little choked up...I seriously almost cried. She was SO cute. It's something I waited for for so long. To have a little girl in dance. Since it was/is something I love and have had a love for since I was 4 yrs old. I bought her a tu-tu that is beautiful. I don't have a picture of her in it yet because they kept it at her dance studio to take it in a bit in the waist so next week i'll have pictures of her in her tu-tu but for now i just have pictures of her showing her moves before we left for class. I am so excited though for her recital which isn't until May 16th though. But I know it will be great!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A sad Good-bye
This morning was filled with tears. Ryan had to leave for work. He's an insurance adjuster and as many of you know Hurricane Gustav hit Louisana yesterday. He has to drive to Waco, TX for some meetings and then he will get assigned his claims and head to LA, UNLESS hurricane Hanna hits the U.S. he might have to go and work those claims. But anyways...this morning. It was SO sad. The kids were so sad. Jordan's eyes welled up with tears. I know he didn't want to cry but he couldn't hold it in. Mason, not quite sure what was going on, just kept waving "Bye-bye" and squealing with delight. He just thought it was a fun game of saying "bye-bye". It's one thing if we knew when he would be returning but that is just it. We don't. It could be a month or it could be three!. We just don't know. It's so hard. This job sucks actually. But it's what we need him to do right now for us financially. We keep telling ourselves "it will be worth it in the end!" and it will. I have peace about it. I'm not so worried about me, being by myself taking care of the kids alone. I can do it, it's not a problem. I'm just sad about not having Ryan here with me. I feel sad for the kids not having him there. I'm sad for him, that he'll miss Mya's first dance class, or Jordan's first soccer game or Mason's first step (which I've already told myself that I will not try to have Mason start walking..i don't want him to start without ryan here!). All around, it's just sad. But we will get thru it. I know we will. It's only for a time, a season. This isn't going to be forever. It's just what we need right now. I know God will have his hand on us and our family. I trust Him.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Take me out to the ball game...
Last night we got free tickets to go the Naturals baseball game (our minor league team). We thought it would a relaxing family event. Turns out that when you have a 5 yr old who has been in school all day, a 3 yr old who was over tired and an 8 month old baby, a baseball game isn't all it's cracked up to be!!! It was good for the 1st 30 min. We all sat and actually watched the game. Then jordan was thirsty so I went to go get something. I stood in line for 20 minutes and never moved. So I gave up. A drink wasn't that important, to me that is..to jordan it was a different story. Then we needed to take a trip to the bathroom. I first changed Mason, then brought him back out to Ryan, then went and changed Mya, then brought her out to Ryan, THEN took Jordan in with me so we could both go to the bathroom! About 20 minutes later we were done with our bathroom break! Then the kids wanted to play on the playground they had there which kinda defeated the purpose of going to a baseball game..you couldn't even watch from there. But we took the kids...there were TONS of kids on there and lots of older kids. It was too hard to keep track of ours so we decided to go back and watch the game. That didn't go over very well with our very cranky kids! After about 20 more minutes of watching the game we decided to go home. There were suppose to be fireworks at the end but we were only in the 7th inning and neither Ryan or I wanted to wait any longer. So we headed home. All 3 kids were alseep after about 5 minutes. Our drive home was about 35 minutes. Here are a few pictures that I took just so I had a slight memory of us being at the game that night!
family outings,
my kids,
Another sign he's growing up...
Tonight really made me see that Jordan was really growing up. He spent his birthday money on a VIDEO GAME....he bought some safari game for Wii. He is getting too big. I remember when he was a baby and Ryan would play playstation and he would say, "oh when jordan gets older, watch out..we will be playing Football on here all the time!" I would always say, "oh that is SO far off". Well, the day arrived. Tonight I watched as Daddy and his buddy played a video game together. My baby boy has truely grown up now!
my family,
my kids
Monday, August 18, 2008
First day of school
Today was Jordan's 1st day of school...Kindergarten. I can't believe it. I have so many emotions and feelings running thru me right now. I'm happy for him because I know how excited he is and how he loves learning. I'm sad because he is my baby and starting school is a sign of growing up. I'm also worried about him. He is such a little kid and school seems SO BIG! I feel like he's going to get lost. But then the I think, "shawna, they aren't going to just let kindergarteners go off by themselves". I know that but i have to keep reminding myself that. Then i'm worried he'll have to use the bathroom but not want to ask and then have an accident. I'm also worried he will get carried away with talking and get in trouble his first day (he likes to socialize a little too much!). I'm also worried he won't have enough milk with his lunch. I'm worried he won't have a sip of milk left to wash down his last bite of food. I'm also worried he's going to get food all over his clothes and look messy. I'm worried he'll fall on the playground. I'm worried he will be really hungry before lunch. I'm worried he'll spill his drink at snack time since he's used to using sippy cups at home. AHHH...i could keep listing my worries! Am I a freak? What is wrong with me? Why am I so worried? He is only 5 yrs old...I've NEVER left him with anyone other than family EVER...so now i feel like I'm abandoning him and leaving him with a stranger all day. Besides being all worried, I am really excited for him. I can't wait to pick him up at 3pm and hear all about his day. I am proud of myself though, I didn't cry. I did get choked up though once we got in the school and I could see all the little backpacks hanging on the hooks in the hallway. I never thought this day would come and here it is. My baby is growing up. I get to do this again in 2 years and then again in 5 yrs...I think i need to keep having babies so I will always have one at home with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, now i'm off to go grocery shopping with only 2 kids!!!!!! That will seem so strange to me!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The wrath of the Purple crayon

I took out the sheets out of the dryer and what do you know...I noticed a purple spot on my sheets...didn't think much of it...then I looked and everything was covered with purple crayon. It melted in the dryer and got on everything. Not the biggest deal since it was just our sheets which don't even match our comforter and are kinda old and then jordan's plan blue sheet was in there...totally replaceable BUT Mya's beautiful baby blanket...the beautiful pink/off white french toile comforter that she had since she was born, it was in her crib (well, she didn't acutally use it to sleep with when she was an infant..but her sheets and bumper pad matched it) and she still uses it on her toddler bed now. It had purple crayon ALL OVER IT! I was SO sad...I found a few things that might work on getting it out...so now i get to start that project! Oh what fun! I will definelty be on the lookout for crayons from now on..i don't even know how it got in there. I'm thinking it was in jordan's sheets because I also found 2 of his space men in there. So yeah, not a good laundry day.
Oh and get this...we just bought a whole new set of dishes, real nice ones. The first real nice set we've had while we've been married. I love them and we have glass drinking glasses that match and just look real nice. So today Ryan asked for a glass of tea. (we have this instant tea) so I poured cold water in the glass. Then scooped the tea and as I started to stir the bottom of the glass busted...completely cracked and tea was everywhere. I couldn't believe it! So i cleaned everything up. I was angry and sad at the same time. Then i thought we better go and buy a few more glasses in case one ever breaks again. I was thinking that we plan on having these dishes FOREVER so i'd better get a few more...i mean, another one is bound to break in the next 50 years. WELL, a few hours later, Ryan asked for another glass of tea...SOOOO I put the water in the glass and as SOON as I scooped the tea in the glass busted...GLASS #2!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!!!!! Ryan and I just stood there in complete shock. What was going on? The glass wasn't hot. I could see glass doing that if I just took it out of the hot dishwasher or something and then put cold water in...no, it had been in the cabinet for over a week...it was room temperature. The water was cold, but not freezing or anything..just your normal cool water. I still don't know what to think about this. I'm scared to ever use another that is for sure. We have used them before though, for tea, water, milk, I just don't get it...why did 2 break today? I'm so confused.
So anyways...today was quite the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now it's midnight..TIME FOR BED! GOOD NIGHT! :)
A VERY quick update
Ah...it's been awhile since i wrote a blog...i've been busy...traveling mostly. We were in WI for a week and then the 2 days it took to pack and the 2 days of driving...so for almost 2 weeks I was very busy with that. We had a great time in WI...it was SO nice seeing my family and friends. I miss them so much. But by the end of the week, as sad as i was to say good-bye, I was ready to head back to my home. Now we are home...everything is unpacked, laundry is caught up and my newest project is organizing the entire house...from the inside out....so I've been cleaning out closets and just getting organized. Oh and we are also getting Jordan ready for school on Monday. Tonight we go and meet his teacher. Then Monday is the big day! WOW..my baby boy is starting kindergarten. Now is when we will actually be in a real routine. I have to actually every day get up (well, i get up every day...but you know how it is when you don't have to actually be anywhere) and get him out the door every weekday morning! I will be driving him to school and the school is about 15 minutes away. So it's going to be an adjustment for all of us. I'm excited because I know he is excited but i'm also nervous. He doesn't seem old enough to be gone to school all day. My little baby, out in the big world without me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I'd better stop before I get teary eyed! Now it's time to get back to organizing...
family trips,
my family,
my kids,
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The coffee is brewing...
It's one of those mornings...I just HAD to make some coffee. I don't always drink coffee in the morning. I'm not one of those people that have to have their morning coffee to function. I like it but truthfully...I'm too lazy to get it started in the morning...and by the time I get it made it usually ends up being cold in my mug because I'm too busy to drink it. In the winter I'm a little more motivated to make it for some reason. But today is a coffee day for sure. I was up till 2am (not doing anything important, just going thru my pictures). Then Mason woke up at 3am (which is normal for him) but by the time I got him all settled back to sleep in our bed I couldn't fall back asleep. When I did it seemed like just a few hours later Jordan came in our room (at about 6:30am) asking to lay in bed with us. Of course he didn't just lay...he tossed and turned and kept talking to Mason which made him want to stay awake. So finally at 7:30am I gave it up and got up. Now I'm dragging and SO tired. Not to mention I have a hyper baby boy on my hands as well. He won't just play, he feels the need to crawl and get into everything right now!!!!!!!!!!! Man, I'm tired! Now my coffee is done. Yum, coffee with 1% milk and splenda...okay, it's not Yum...some flavored creamer would taste much better but it's all I have right now. Maybe the caffiene will kick in soon and give me a little boost of energy.
coffee talk,
my kids,
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Let's see..this is going to be a rambling blog...just kinda rambles of what's going on...
First of all...we were suppose to be heading to Wisconsin today to visit my family. But yesterday Hurricane Dolly hit Texas. We knew it was heading that way but weren't sure if it was going to hit Texas or Mexico. What does that have to do with us and our trip to WI you ask? Simple, Ryan is an insurance adjuster and he has to go and work claims from storms. So now we are playing the waiting game. Will he get called to go and work that or not?? The storm hit as a Catorgory 2 hurricane which causes significant damage. The only thing now is whether or not it hit a populated enough area where they would need to call in other adjusters other than the ones the insurance companies already have in that area. It's a 50/50 chance he could get called. So we have decided it would be best to wait it out here at home because if he would have gotten called on our way to WI we would have to turn right around so Ryan could bring us back home and then head way down to TX. Also, we didn't want to just get up there only to have to turn right around and drive back either. So we decided to wait it out here, we should know something in the next few days. If he doesn't go we are going to WI early next week. I'm so hoping we can make the trip..i wanna see my family so bad! I miss them greatly.
Let's see...what else..oh, i guess I never blogged about our mini family vacation to Branson, MO. We went last week for a few days...just to get away. Ryan had a slight break in his work and we just needed the time away to enjoy ourselves. It was real fun. We went to Silver Dollar City for 2 days and then hit the outlet mall and Branson Landing (for those of you who haven't been to Branson since that was built...wow! it's incrediable..i would never have imagined branson to have such a great shopping spot..it's an outdoor mall with tons of stores and restaurants. it's so pretty and really amazing!). We also played Putt-putt and went and seen Noah, the musical. That was amazing too! We all enjoyed the show. It was a nice mini vacation and just a time away to spend together as a family.
Well, I guess that is enough of my ramblings..it's already 11:00am...almost lunch time..then I get to take a trip to Walmart to buy groceries. Fun stuff!
family trips,
my family,
my kids,
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pray for Blake's Mommy
A few days ago a girl that is on my shutterfly forum said her cousin Bethany was in a real bad car accident. She is in the hospital and isn't breathing on her own. She has a little boy, Blake, who just turned 3 I believe on the day of the accident. He doesn't understand what is going on. He was suppose to have his birthday party this saturday. I have never met Bethany nor the girl on my forum (at least not in person, just on the computer) but I just can't stop thinking about them. It's such a sad situation. That poor little boy and their whole family. I know our God is a healing God and I just pray that he will heal Blake's mommy. Please join me and pray for her healing. Pray for their family and pray for Blake as I'm sure it's hard for a 3 yr old to comprehend what is going on. My heart just goes out to them. I know God can do miracles and I believe that is what is needed right now. Please remember them in your prayers.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Are my hands really full?!?!?!
Seriously, if I had a dollar for everytime someone told me I had my " hands full" I would have A LOT of dollars!! People are constantly telling me that I have my hands full or making comments similar to that to me when I'm out and about with my kids. I didn't really think much of it until today. We were walking thru walmart and I had Mason in his car seat in the back of the cart, Mya was in the front seat of the shopping cart and Jordan was walking next to me. We were doing our normal grocery shopping that we do every week. I had groceries shoved all around Mason and underneath the cart. Nothing unusual for me. Just a normal trip to the store. Then a lady looked at us and kinda laughed..then her husband said, "wow, you have your hands full!!". Just kinda smiled back and kept walking. Then I looked behind me to make sure there weren't some other kids walking behind us or something. I mean, the way they looked and commented you would think I had a trail of kids behind me. Is having 3 kids really having your "hands full"? I mean, yeah, I'm busy, but usually when people refer to you having your hands full they usually mean you have almost more than you can handle. I honestly don't feel like I have more than I can handle. Maybe if I added a few more then I would feel as though my hands are full. I don't know. It's just strange to me. By the comments people make you would think I have 10 kids or something (which by the way I would love to have!)!! I never really thought of 3 kids as having a lot of kids. Maybe because I grew up in a family with 3 kids. I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's a piece of cake having 3 kids, it's not always easy. But it's my life and it's what I'm used to. I LOVE having 3 kids and couldn't imagine not having them. I would LOVE to have about 2 more (but I don't think that is in the plans). They are just so precious. I don't consider "my hands full". I consider myself completely blessed.
my kids
Friday, July 11, 2008
Ice Cream Stories

Yesterday I took the kids for Ice Cream at Dairy Queen. It's our thing we do when Ryan is out of town and lately he's been out of town a lot so we've had LOTS of ice cream. Normally both kids always get the same thing, a kids cone dipped in cherry. Jordan wanted to venture out and get something different. At first he was saying he wanted one of those things that you tip upside down. At first I was confused. But then realized he wanted a blizzard. They show on the signs that they are so thick you can tip them upside down. Funny story...when I was about 12 yrs old or so, my mom took us to DQ and I got a blizzard and saw a sign with a girl upside down holding a blizzard!! So the BRILLANT child I was, I tipped it upside down and.......I had mint oreo ice cream ALL OVER ME! False advertising?? No...just a dumb 12 yr old that didn't take the heat into consideration, that it might possibly have melted the ice cream some. ANYWAYS...back to my new DQ story. The lady brought Jordan his blizzard to our table...and the second she handed it to him..what did he do?!?!? Tipped it UPSIDE down...and it started to spill! Yup, Like Mother, Like Son. I hadn't even told him about that story...this was all him! Guess I passed down the "not always the brightest" gene! Then he claimed that I ordered the wrong thing because he wanted "that thing that you can tip upside down". I had to then explain that they probably just didn't make it as thick as it should have been. He wasn't very pleased but didn't hesitate to eat up all his MINT OREO blizzard (yes, it was the same kind I had gotten when I dumped it!) While he was eating I told him my story. Then he asked if I had any more ice cream stories. I told him I did now and then told the story about him tipping his blizzard. He just gave me one of his many "Jordan" looks and said I wasn't funny!
funny stories,
my kids
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Fun with Friends
Yesterday was such a fun day! The Kids and I met Denise, Easton, Dalton, & Quinton at Fun City Pizza! The kids had so much fun. And I had fun visiting with Denise. It's so nice to get together. It's hard because we are both busy with our little munchkins and we live like 45-50 away from each other. But it was so nice to finally meet up. It was long over due. After Fun City we went to Hobby Lobby and looked around. That is always fun. It was such a nice day. After we left the kids kept asking if we could go to their house or if we could go to Fun City with them again the next day! I think they had a blast hanging out with the Slater boys.
fun with friends,
my kids
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